Wednesday, July 9, 2008



I am so excited that NKOTB is back. i loved them and i love there new single. anyone interested in going to the concert in October? i want to go so bad! i went when i was in 7th grade and would love to go again. i was a HUGE joey fan. he is still so cute!! 


Nikki said...

oh my gosh that is so funny that you still like them. i liked them a long time ago but not enough to start listening to them again. i don't even think i've heard of their new single.

Joe said...

You better not tell Mandy you want to go, Shanna! I forbid her from attending like two months ago...

Cheyenne said...

Ugh... I was hoping it was a bad dream when they started talking about them again. Now, if Marky Mark wants hit the road again - I'm there. :) You are funny.