what a sweet boy, yet so mean at the same time. there is a little girl in his class that apparently rubs him the wrong way or maybe he thinks she's cute, i don't know! anyways- i keep getting reports in his daily conduct report that he is hitting and scratching his friends. when i ask him about it he tells me every time that it was Angelica. poor little girl is going home with bruises and scratches almost everyday. his class has a 5 smiley face conduct method. he has been coming home with atleast 2-3 of those smiley faces turned upside down. one day all 5 were sad faces. i was not happy and explained this to jakob. so the next day after many talks and signing discussions, i sent him off to school with a morning prayer. that day he returned home from school with FIVE smiley faces and a report that said "jakob had a good day and at the end of the day he was so proud of himself and signed to his teacher- mom will be proud!" OH HOW PROUD I AM!!
4 weeks ago
yeah jacob!!!
BTW, that was melissa (not biddles)
has the girls mother ever called you? hats off to jakob!!!
no- i have not received any parent calls, thankfully!! and melis.... jakob is spelled with a K!! jakob is doing so good and his comprehension of things is getting so much better. it is so exciting to watch him improve so much!
cool! nash asks about jakob ALL the time. seriously! he says he misses his georgia friends Kaylin, Jakob and Nico.
wow-- i guess nash misses getting beat up!! j/k
I'm so lame- I just updated :-0! I love this story! You are such a great mom...the power of prayer is awesome :-) Sorry to hear about your Grandpa, your post made me cry.
Thanks louise-
glad to see you are back to blogging!
Yeah for Jakob. What a sweet little guy. And man, that's a plug for prayer! I love that Jakob wanted to make you proud. Just knowing that makes me proud of my kids!
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