Sofia is the funniest little thing. she will do anything for a laugh. she likes to make funny faces or walk away from you with her underwear pulled down so her little tush is showing......
she also likes to be very annoying. she LOVES to pester her brothers and sisters until they can't stand it anymore. there are two things she does really well, if you ask her to do something she immediately says, 'what?' you repeat yourself and again she says, 'what?'. Before you start to repeat yourself you realize she is only trying to get out of what you are asking her to do. then she will give that i am so sneaky look with a cute little smile.
another thing she loves to do is ask the obvious question. for instance if i have just come down the stairs with Oliver after his nap she will ask, 'is ollie awake?'. it drives me crazy!! (like i said, she thinks she is hilarious!!)
the other day i spilled some yogurt on the kitchen floor and refrigerator. Sofia was right there to help clean up the mess and to point out where the mess was. she said in a little 3 year old voice, 'thew is yoguwt on the floowr, there is yoguwt on the wall, and thew is yoguwt on the fweekin' wefwigewaiter!!' i couldn't help but start laughing. and she of course got a kick out of my reaction. she is something else and always keeps us all laughing.
what a stinker!!
we call her Trixie!
why trixie???
paige asks the obvious questions annoying!!! like today i was done blow dtying my hair and she comes to me and asks "mom is you hair dry?" i lookes at her and said "paige, does it look dry?" it drives me crazy! i feel for ya one that one.
it looks like i need to check what i write before i send it. too many mistakes. sorry
dad started calling her Trixie first because she did something to trick them, I cant remember what. She doesn't lie per-say, but will deceive you when its funny.
- Rob(bie)
I didn't realize Mel hadn't closed her site so my statement was shown as Melanie. We call her Trixie because she likes tricking people with what she says.
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