Friday, April 25, 2008


Did you ever have one of those days where everything you did went unnoticed? well- that in a nutshell explains my day, or maybe my life..... i clean, i change diapers, i wipe little noses, i kiss boo-boos, i applaud good behavior, i scrub a bathroom after a potty training toddler at-least once a day, i get everyone dressed, fed and ready for school, i do ALL the laundry....... you get my point. i am tired and yet no one notices. i guess i am just feeling sorry for myself for the few short minutes i have before i start on dinner. today i even went the extra effort and cleaned the garage because rob has been complaining about how awful it looks. my biggest complaint is when i do make such an effort that all the little things that i didn't do go NOTICED and then i just get bummed. i know it might sound ridiculous to some, but i don't care.... today this is how i feel and i thought instead of talking about how cute and great my kids are i would share a moment in the life of me! i guess in the just of it all, i am doing my job and that is all that is really important, right!?



i love you. no tears. you know i appreciate you. and one day the kids will realize what a great mommy they have.

Rboot said...

Unfortunately that's the life of most mom's....the problem is that it doesn't stop. I the issues just change from diapers and runny noses to car accidents and teenagers with attitudes.

SHANNA said...

yeah- can't wait!!! thanks for the pep talk dad!! i enjoy being a mom, but some days are harder than others

Colby Family said...

I'm amazed by all you do, and one day when your children have children, they will be too!

Nikki said...

don't worry shanna the day your kids will appreciate you will be when they have to do everything you have done for them on their own kids then they will realize "oh man my mom made this look so easy, what a supermom". i think every mom feels the same way.

Cheyenne said...

You're an amazing mom, Shanna. I'm in awe of all that you do. You deserve to be pampered. Sometimes we just need to hear "great job, babe" or "thank you." They forget sometimes. I hope today is a better day. :)

Joe said...

all this and she's beautiful too, Ladies and Gentlemen!
you know those kids appreciate you, even (maybe especially) when they don't say it. and Rob does too!

it sounds like you need to spend some time away from the little animals to get your sanity back...

Anonymous said...

You put that perfectly. No one notices all that you do, just when you don't do it. But I still wouldn't trade this job for anything. And somedays I don't do it just so the days when I do I get thanked!