we had a very eventful month of march. most of our month was very family filled. At the beginning of the month we watched my sister's son Beckham be baptised into the catholic religion. this was all very new to my kids, considering the only religion they thought existed was LDS. it caught nico by surprise to see the priest covered in robes and all his catholic "apparel". luckily my children did not say anything inappropriate or embarrassing. Further in the month we got a visit from melanie and mya, then melissa and trent flew out with all the kids. we finally got to meet baby ruby rose. she is is sweet. all the kids had a blast playing together and hated saying goodbye. we had about a week of no family and then we got a very unexpected surprise visit from nikki and adam and all of their kids. nikki loves surprises and has been planning this for weeks. it was so fun to see them and to watch all the kids play. unfortunately while they were here, just about everyone came down with the flu, so we didn't get a whole lot of fun quality time together. needless to say, easter was full of mostly recovering from being sick. it was so good to see everyone and to be a part of all the family fun this time. i am so glad my kids got so much cousin time. once all the visits settled down a little bit, we got back to day to day life. sofia turned three years old, the kids celebrated st. patricks day by wearing green to school and jakob wore his leprechaun face stickers. we got to go to jakob's school for science night and see all of the great projects and activities that they have been working on. this school is so good for him and he is having so much fun and enjoying school so much. throughout the month rob and nico worked on nico's pine wood derby car. it paid off very good, because nico's car won first place. rob ( and nico) were so excited and so proud of all their effort. our big news of the month though even more than the pine wood derby news (i know, hard to believe anything could be bigger than that!), is that sofia is FULLY POTTY TRAINED!!! i am down to ONE kid in diapers. it took a good 5 days for her to get the hang of it and have no accidents, but she is out of pull ups for good!! i am so happy and she thinks she is so big. besides all of our fun family events for the month, we managed to do more yard work. rob had close to 30 loads of dirt delivered to our house. he had a bobcat to move all the dirt around, but in the meantime the kids had a blast jumping from all the piles of dirt. there clothes and bodies were covered in dirt, but they had so much fun. i have to say i was not too happy having clean up all that dirt that was trailed through the house. i also found a new obsession in the twilight books (thanks melanie) i finished all three in 2 weeks and am anxiously awaiting the fourth book. they are so good and it's all i can think about..... rob hopes to burn the books one day! for the most part, march was a lot of fun!!
4 weeks ago
Becks was baptized in February, but I'm glad it made your blog! Love ya.
luckily Rob didn't say anything embarrassing!
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