Tuesday, January 22, 2008


                            Ollie's new haircut!! 

Well for the length of Oliver's short little 16 months of life, we have been growing his hair out. it was quite long there for a while. in fact it was so long that he was being mistaken for a girl, so i went to get his hair cut because it was driving me crazy. Rob was not on board with the haircut, because he thought it was so cute with all of his curls. Anyways- i got his hair cut last week and as we were walking out of the salon and i had already paid (not happy with the cut anyways) the stylist (if you can call her that) asked me if Ollie was a boy or in her words- 
"oh- is that a boy?" i was so flustered with all the kids with me that i was not about to have her cut it again. Needless to say, when we got home, i was so upset and rob took him out a few days later to get his hair shaped up. He now looks so handsome and you definitely would not mistake him for a little girl!


Nikki said...

i love his curls. well he's so pretty. thats probably why everyone mistakes him for a girl. no one mistakes owen for a girl. they just mistakes him for a cancer paitent because he has no hair!!!

biddles and scootch said...

It looks darling!! Melissa

Joe, Mandy & Sierra Smith said...

i thought his long hair looked tough! like a greek hero of some sort, or something. ;)

melanie said...

hahahaha! i think that is so funny! what a cute..i mean handsome...little guy!!


I'm so glad he finally looks like a boy. I mean, he looked great with hairbows on, but. . .

Life in the Oliver Lane! said...

i think he looks great! gotta love that Oliver!

Carolyn Hansen said...

So glad to find your blog and for the comment on mine. Your family is absolutely adorable!
PS-Ollie still has the curls and definitely looks like a boy!

Joe, Mandy & Sierra Smith said...

Hey Hotties! We are loving this blog! You guys are so cute! We definately need to get together soon. We only hang out with ourselves and besides, we need your coolness to rub off on us!

Anonymous said...

He looks cute. I always had the opposite problem. My girls had no hair so everyone assumed they were boys. No fun!