Sunday, July 26, 2009


notice Ollie in his Jammies.... better this than his underwear!

Rob and Nico went to tennesse with the dogs a couple of weekends ago and then they went fishing and to the job site the weekend after that, so me and the other four munchkins decided to go visit Grammy on both weekends. Mom and I had so much fun organizing her house and putting pictures on the wall. We have de-cluttered a lot of her "stuff" and only kept the essentials. i LOVE doing this! it is completely rewarding and it is way easier to get rid of other peoples stuff. while we worked, the kids played! they watched movies, helped bake brownies and took walks around the neighborhood. (thanks AVA!) One of the weekends we took the kids to a concert in Smyrna to see a group called MAGNO. they were pretty good and the kids had a great time dancing and playing. there were a lot of people with their dogs, so Jakob was in heaven. we love spending time with Grammy!!


I can hardly believe that i have been a mother for TEN years. my sweet little baby boy is now a big boy and i cannot believe how fast the time has gone. i can still remember the first time i saw him, how beautiful he was.... (others in the room had different opinions about this!), still the feelings i had were magical and like nothing else i had ever felt! i was a mommy and he was my baby. it was an amazing feeling. i have enjoyed watching him grow up and become the sweet boy that he is. he is an AMAZING big brother and an even more amazing son! i love how he still lets me kiss him in front of his friends or how he has to say he loves me A MILLION times before he leaves to go somewhere. i love how sensitive he is. i love how he laughs at my stupid jokes or how he thinks i know everything..... even though most of the questions i try to answer we have to refer to google! I LOVE MY TEN YEAR OLD BOY!!!

I must say he had a very good birthday. we got him his own puppy to train and eventually take to field trials. i made him an ice-cream cake, that turned out to be DELICIOUS!! and we had his favorite dinner..... STEAK! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICO!