Thursday, December 4, 2008


i love the holidays..... i love the smells, the excitement, the family, the food. i love watching my kids get all happy and bounce off the walls (in small doses). this year thanksgiving was at my house and i had so much fun planning it and preparing for it. sofia and i made an "alphabet" sign and had leafs prepared to hang on it with everyone's name on it set at their plate. (the assignment was to write what you are grateful for on the leaf). everyone had fun with this and they didn't have to say it out loud. after thanksgiving, rob and i set off (by ourselves) to tennessee. it was nice to get away for a little while anyways.... it's the most wonderful time of the year!!!


melanie said...

maybe i'll be there next year....

SHANNA said...

i hope so~ that would be so nice!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Nikki said...

i need to send you pics of my table still. yours looks better!!!