Tuesday, October 28, 2008


i don't know why, but the pictures are downloading backwards to how i installed them. they are supposed to start from the bottom picture and end with the top, but oh well... you get the picture!

well it's that time of year again when there is a chill in the air, chili is made, the hot dogs are thrown on the grill and the kids get to dress up in there favorite costumes. trunk or treating is always a fun night and the kids of course love the games, friends, and CANDY! rob and i had fun this year coming up with a theme for halloween. not all of the kids were too thrilled about our selected costumes, but the pictures are awesome and the memories will be great! 


biddles and scootch said...

The costumes turned out so cute! Brooklyn loved Sofia's.

Anonymous said...

Wow! How cool is that! Love the costumes. Everyone looks darling.

Louise said...

Soooo cute! What a great idea! It will make for fun memories:)

Nikki said...

those are so cute! why did you giys have your trunk or treat already?

SHANNA said...

we always have it the saturday before halloween.


I'm SHOCKED you got Nico in a Scarecrow costume after all!!

Rboot said...

sorry we missed it this year. The ones we have been to with you were fun. Jakob is a perfect tin man look-a-like!

Alyson said...

I LOVE these costumes. You are so creative!