Friday, April 17, 2009


we had a really wonderful spring break. it started out with an AMAZING stake conference with some extremely powerful messages that i felt spoke right to my heart! 

Spring break week started out with a fun family home evening at the movie theatre to see MONSTERS vs. ALIENS. the kids loved it and i can't wait until it comes out on DVD. with 5 potty trained children, i spent a lot of my movie time in the bathroom. (maybe not such a good idea to get TWO LARGE soda's!!) Rob treated us all to some home made french fries and fried chicken when we got home! YUM..... not very nutritious, but fitting for some fun family time. 

i took the kids to see my Nana in Alabama. She loved seeing all the kids, but did not put up a fight when we said it was time to go. the kids LOVE seeing her and exploring her house for fun 'stuff'! the kids made the 6 hour round trip great and rob was relieved when we made it home safely.

on Thursday, the kids all had friends over for a BIG spend the night party. they all arrived around noon. We had a great time with an easter egg hunt, a movie and some yummy lasagna dinner. Nico and his friend Bill put on several little skits to entertain the younger kids. they got all dressed up with face paint and everything. all ten kids spent most of the time outside until they were soaked from the hose that nico and bill were chasing them around with, so off to the bath we went! you can't have a fun spend the night party without an enormous bubble bath! FINALLY, lights were out around 11:00 and lights were back on at 6:30! how do kids have so much energy SO EARLY! 

we finally pulled rob away from work long enough to do a mini vacation up to Tennessee where rob's friend has some land with horses. it was freezing and we did not come prepared for such cold weather, but we made due and still had a great time! we went horse back riding and swimming at the hotel, had a cook out and road around the land on the ranger with the kids. Thanks Tom for a great time!!! 

the weekend ended with Easter dinner with my mom and brother. We then packed up the car and made our way down to Peachtree City to visit with Lorna (Nanny) for more easter fun. the kids had a fun easter egg hunt and found each of there baskets that the easter bunny left hiding in Nanny's back yard. 

we had such a great week! it is always nice to have the kids at home and spend time together and just relaxing! 


Colby Family said...

I want to come to the Boot Slumber Parties!!! How fun! love the bath picture!

Rboot said...

Do the kids like horses? THey all seem fairly comfortable around them.